Unfortunately we’re not able to translate the complete website for our english-speaking visitors. Nevertheless we would like to present you the basic facts regarding our pipe band in this section.
The Stuttgart University Pipe Band was founded back in 2001 when members of the “Trachtenkapelle blau-weiss” in Stuttgart asked Andy Fluck if he could help them to learn the Great Highland Bagpipe. Andy was already the founder of the “Badelonian Pipe Band in Karlsruhe”. In November 2001 they decided to join forces and create the Stuttgart University Pipe Band.
The Stuttgart University Pipe Band already chose the tartan „New Gordon“ from the Gordon Highlanders at the founding. The tartan symbolizes the affiliation to a specific scotish family clan. In our case it’s the Clan Gordon.
Whether you are a seasoned piper or drummer of you want to start playing these wonderful instruments you are always welcome to visit our band practice. We would be happy if you could give as a hint via e-mail (piper: piper@supb.de, drummer: drummer@supb.de) so that we can inform our pipe or drum major about your arrival.
every second Tuesday
next: 07. November 2023
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Breitscheidstraße 2
70174 Stuttgart-Mitte
in lecture hall M 2.31/2.41
to Google Maps (external link)

If you would like to give us feedback on our site or you would like to get in contact with us, please feel free to either use our contacts regrading the website (webmaster@supb.de)or regarding concerts and gigs (auftritt@supb.de).